PROLONGED heavy rain from the autumn onwards made 2002 one of the wettest years since the early 1970s.

Malvern weather watcher Frank Hill says his readings for the last 12 months show that for the fifth consecutive year rainfall was above the 30-year average.

Totals ranged from just under 30 inches on low ground to 36 inches on higher ground, which was four inches above normal.

"However, it was not as wet as in 2000 when several places had over 40 inches," said Mr Hill. "It was only after October 10 that the weather turned wet, with around 14 inches falling in the last 11 weeks of the year.

"Nearly two inches fell on October 13, the wettest day of the year. Until then, rainfall had not been far from normal, with March, April, June and September being the driest. There was hardly any rain from September 10 to 30."

The coldest day was January 1 at minus 8.3C. From then onwards, the winter became predominantly dull, rainy and mild, with only slight frosts. April brought dry and sunny weather, with cold nights but pleasantly warm days. With 189 hours, it was the sunniest April since 1990 and the first time the month was the sunniest since 1946.

The summer was disappointing, with only short spells of fine and warm weather, with any very warm days turning thundery. It exceeded 25C (77F) on only 11 days, with the warmest being July 29 at 29C. It was left to September to provide a warm spell, with three weeks of fine weather and several days exceeding 20C (68F).

Autumn set in with frequent rain and strong winds. Gusts up to 89mph on October 27 caused damage and disruption to power supplies. November and December were less stormy but often gloomy and misty. There were 187 hours of rain but only 100 hours of sun.

The mean temperature for the year was 0.6C above the 1971-2000 average. It was not quite as warm as the summers of 1990, 1995 and 1999. The last year to be cooler than normal was 1996.

Apart from a few flurries in February, the only snow to settle around Malvern was on December 12. The last substantial snowfall was in February 1996.