EARLY morning snow and ice caused problems on the roads around Malvern yesterday (Thursday).

Several vehicles slid down the ungritted Portland Road, although no collisions were reported. Pedestrians too, struggled to keep their footing.

However, despite the snowfall on Wednesday night (January 8), Malvern suffered only two reported road accidents.

Worcester Police spokesman Kim Stain said there had been a minor incident between a Hyundai and a Ford Mondeo at Leahill Close, Malvern, at 9.30am.

Police attended and while they were at the scene, a second collision occurred in Cockshot Road, opposite the first.

No one was hurt in either collision and the police took no action. However, a gritter was called out.

Maintenance manager Nils Wilkes said the six gritters belonging to Malvern Hills Highway Partnership had been out treating A and B roads overnight and by yesterday morning had started on minor roads. Town centre footpaths were gritted by hand.

The partnership receives regular weather updates from the Met Office and also has its own sensory equipment.