A SERIES of interactive meetings in and around Malvern next week hope to attract young people.

Organisers Youthcomm, part of Worcester County Council youth service, and Malvern Hills District Council have arranged five Youthink meetings with interactive webcast links.

They hope the innovative approach will encourage the involvement of people aged between 14 and 25 in local government.

Key figures from MHDC will be at each meeting to take on board and respond to views and questions.

Richard Wood, senior youth worker at Youthcomm, said: "Youthink is a 21st Century project for a 21st Century generation of young people prepared to challenge decision makers about the issues concerning them."

MHDC assistant chief executive Stephen Leese added: "Listening to the views of young people is very important for the district council and I hope this week of events will be the start of a new approach to hearing their views in a way that is attractive to the young people themselves."

The first meeting, on Monday, is at Tenbury Youth Centre and MHDC chief executive Chris Bocock will attend.

Director of resources David Wood will be at Tuesday's meeting at Malvern Youth Centre, at Wednesday's at the Blue Bell in Ryall will be strategic director for council governance Kevin Douglas, and at Thursday's at the Talbot, Knightwick, will be strategic director of operational services Colin Davis.

Mr Leese will wind up the week at The Chase school.

All events start at 7pm. Those unable to attend can log on to www.youthcomm.org.uk/ youthink.