I write following the front page article 'Yellow card given to parents' (Malvern Gazette, January 3) and Mr Silverman's comments.

This generalised comment paints all parents in a bad light, but Mr Silverman needs to realise that without parents some junior football matches would not occur.

Looking at the teams in the Under 14 Mercian League, there are many teams outside a radius of eight miles, yet some parents give up their time and the cost of travelling to take their own and other children to these matches.

As Mr Silverman stated he has received calls about petty incidents, and that is what probably the majority are, petty. Of all the club officials and players' parents who give up their time and money, the vast majority are well behaved but Mr Silverman has to realise that a lot of what happens in a football match is subjective and sometimes parents see incidents in a different light when their son is being fouled or subjected to some of the physical challenges that can occur.

Yes, keep the fun in football but remember football is a competitive sport and juniors, no matter what their age, play to win. Parents also want their children to win and the Mercian League encourage this by having trophies for those teams that are winners and runners-up whether it be in the league or cup competitions.

As for referees of the age of 14 being verbally abused, there can be no excuse and nobody, no matter what their age or sex, should be subjected to this whether they be officials, players or parents.

There are though many times when matches are played without referees and there are many times when parents drive long distances only to find the game called off because of adverse weather conditions or playing surfaces that are unfit, and how often do you hear the parents complaining then.

Come on Mr Silverman, everyone applauds you and your fellow officials for the time and effort you put into running the league, but what about giving those parents who run and support their clubs the applause they deserve?

Surely it would be better to praise and promote the positive in the game and deal with minor incidents away from the limelight.

Lawrence Hopwood, Summerfield Road, Malvern.