IN the Ledbury Reporter (December 27) a gentleman voices concern about the double booking and consequential sharing of banner space across the High Street of the town of Ledbury, one promoting LADS forthcoming pantomime, the other announcing Churches Together message Glory to the New born King. Why ever not for heavens sake?

Both have their part to play; both pantomime and religion have a similar role, that of good fighting bad and eventually the good always triumphs over evil.

At midnight mass at St Michael & All Angels, Ledbury, on Christmas Eve - standing room only - we heard the story of Mary giving birth to the Christ Child. This was followed by the sharing of bread and wine at the Eucharist accompanied by the singing of the choir.

Just as this most holy act came to an end, a little child uttered a couple of baby words to a silent church and brought the house down. The timing could not have been better.

It took the small voice of an innocent child to put our world into focus and place our feet firmly back on the ground again - if only President Bush and other world leaders had been there to share in that moment.

I, for one, am looking forward to visiting the theatre to see Dracula - that's the beauty of having a foot in each camp.

CYRIL E ASHLEY, Woodfield Road, Deer Park, Ledbury.