A PLAN to change a car showroom into a retail outlet is to be looked at again by district councillors.

The application is to turn the BH Motors showroom, off the Worcester Road/Townsend Road roundabout, into a branch of Countrywide (formerly MSF).

It was previously approved by the southern area planning sub-committee in November, against the recommendation of officers.

However, the scheme is being brought back before the main planning committee, which meets on Tuesday (January 14).

Officers have reiterated their recommendation it should be turned down. They say the land is zoned for employment use, not retail, and that the proposal does not comply with retail development policies. Land zoned for employment specifically excludes retail uses.

Officers say allowing the land to be used for non-food retail "could establish a clear precedent of district-wide significance", which is why it should be refused.

Planning guidelines say retail development should only be allowed in town centres or "appropriate district/local centres", and the BH Motors showroom site is not in either category.

Officers say that if the committee decides to allow the change of use, there should be strict conditions governing what can be sold at the store.