WORCESTER'S Labour Party has promised to re-open the Swan Theatre if it wins control of the city council in May.

Plans to "repair the damage done to the city's cultural life", following the Tory decision to cut the theatre's funding, will be part of the party's manifesto.

The Swan's board recently announced the theatre will be boarded up after the last production, Season's Greetings, by the Swan Theatre Company, ends on Saturday, February 1.

"Labour fully supported the theatre during our period in control of the city council and Labour remains committed to the Swan," said Councillor Adrian Gregson, leader of the party on Worcester City Council.

"The Swan Board's decision to close has been forced upon them by the cynical and short-sighted actions of the Tory cabinet.

"The 13,000 signature petition protesting against the grant cut demonstrates the continuing strength of support for the theatre."

Joy Squires, the chairwoman of the Worcester Labour party, said the rest of the manifesto would be launched closer to the May elections.

"We want people to know that if they want the theatre they will have the opportunity to vote for it," she said.

However, important questions about the theatre's future remain unanswered, such as who will run it, what sort of venue it will be and where the money will come from.

Mrs Squires said money could be found by having a "very thorough look at the books" and accused Tory councillors of not being willing to find alternative ways of funding the theatre.

Renewed funding by the council might encourage other bodies such as West Midlands Arts to reinstate their funding, Mrs Squires said.

Decisions on who will run the theatre and whether it will continue to be a producing house, will only be made after consultation.

"It is not for the leader of the council to decide how the theatre should be run," said Mrs Squires.

"It's very arrogant of Councillor Stephen Inman to ignore a petition signed by 13,000 people and say how the theatre should be run."

"It has been part of the Labour Party manifesto going back five years to support the Swan," said Coun Gregson.