IN his letter headlined "Patriots should join Tories", Mathew A Clarke regurgitates the standard political hogwash spewed out by the party faithful.

He says: "Britain can only withdraw from the European Union if a significantly large number of MP's support such a course."

That's because in our "politics" the tail wags the dog. MPs don't represent the people. They represent The Party.

The politicians have murdered democracy in our nation. Why else do we have a landslide government, voted in by just one if four of the electorate? Labour has no democratic right to govern our nation.

That was the judgement of the electorate. That means they have no democratic right to sign European Treaties, on behalf of the British people. Everything associated with Europe is being accomplished by the mushroom system of political chicanery - they keep the people in the dark, and then tell us it's too late to change.

For that reason, I believe Mr Clarke is wrong to advise potential supporters of the UKIP to go with the Tories.

After the shenanigans of the Last Tory Government, I suspect they will not be trusted again for a generation. Labour is at the point whereby voter discontent is beginning to fester. That leaves the Liberals - but they're "Euro-mad", which makes them unelectable.

Come the next General Election, the electorate may be confronted by a situation whereby there is no one worth voting for - as was the case with the "20 million" that didn't vote last time.

If the UKIP undertakes to prevent the Brussels bureaucrats from ruling us, and promises overdue electoral reform, they might just capture the electorate's imagination.

Europe might just prove to be the match that lights the powder that explodes in the electorate's imagination.

N TAYLOR, Worcester.