THE husband of a former Mayoress of Droitwich Spa, who died before Christmas, has received more than 200 cards and letters of condolences from across the globe.

Sheila Clark suffered a major heart attack at the Westlands home she shared with her husband John and died at the Worcestershire Royal Hospital in mid December.

In 1996 and 1997, the couple became well-known in the Spa when they were made town Mayor and Mayoress.

Sheila was sole carer for wheelchair-bound John, an ex-Labour town councillor, and the pair, of Farriers Court, went everywhere together.

John, aged 51, said he has been overwhelmed by people's kindness and has even received correspondence from Australia and the USA.

"Even a month after Sheila's death I am receiving a bundle of cards every day," he told the Advertiser.

"I want to thank everyone for their messages of support which are too numerous to respond to."

A funeral service was held on Christmas Eve and on Saturday, January 25, Sheila's ashes will be interned at St Nicholas' Church, off Ombersley Way.

The service will be jointly led by the Salvation Army and the Rev Andrew White.

John said: "I hope lots of our friends can be there and afterwards we can share a warm drink in the church and take time to remember what a wonderful person my wife was.

"I hope to organise a memorial service on the first anniversary of her death."