WORRIED people who fear a terrorist attack in England are signing up for a survival course.

More than 70 people from across the country have signed up for the course at an army store in Flyford Flavell as fears rise of a terrorist attack.

It teaches people how to put on equipment such as a gas masks, and gives them advice on what to do in the event of a chemical attack.

The course, which is the brainchild of the Surplus and Adventure army store at Flyford Flavell, near Pershore, will be launched later this month.

Store owner Sean Kerr drew inspiration for the course after a surge in sales for gas masks and NBC suits (nuclear, biological and chemical suits).

The 30-year-old said the course had been on offer on the store's website for the past week, and 70 people had signed up already.

"Ex-marines will be running and teaching the course," said Mr Kerr.

"People will learn how to put on a chemical suit, gas masks, gloves and boots.

"They will be taught decontamination, what to do if we have a chemical attack, how to survive on ration packs."

At the beginning of February, the Evening News reported how Mr Kerr had sold more than 2,000 masks during the last three months.

In the article he said his sales had gone from around 10 gas masks a day to 300.

"The sales have not slowed down since," he said.

"We've sold about a 1,000 masks and chemical suits during the last fortnight."

The course starts in Cambridgeshire on Thursday, March 20.

Four ex-marines will take a class for around 30 pupils.

Anyone interested can book on www.surplusandadventure.com