WHY does the Swan Theatre Board think it can run the theatre now when it was their mismanagement that resulted in the closure in the first place?

Are they just deliberately delaying everything because they don't want to see others succeed where they failed? Why wait until now to announce their intentions knowing that every day gained is precious in getting the theatre up and running again, and each day lost is another nail in the coffin?

The losers at the moment are the amateur groups that are lining up to present their productions and are now seeing their plans thrown into disarray.

What price their morale? When is the Board going to stop being selfish, admit their failings and let someone else have a go?

Perhaps the citizens of Worcester will now realise that far from the council wishing to close the theatre it is the Board that would like to see curtains at The Swan.


Bath Road, Worcester.

WHY does the Swan Theatre Board think it can run the theatre now when it was their mismanagement that resulted in the closure in the first place?

Are they just deliberately delaying everything because they don't want to see others succeed where they failed? Why wait until now to announce their intentions knowing that every day gained is precious in getting the theatre up and running again, and each day lost is another nail in the coffin?

The losers at the moment are the amateur groups that are lining up to present their productions and are now seeing their plans thrown into disarray.

What price their morale? When is the Board going to stop being selfish, admit their failings and let someone else have a go?

Perhaps the citizens of Worcester will now realise that far from the council wishing to close the theatre it is the Board that would like to see curtains at The Swan.


Bath Road, Worcester.