IF Colin Hope (You Say, 22 Feb) had bothered to observe any county council meetings, as Bill Davison and myself have, over the last few months he'd have a very clear idea of who are the Christopher Whitehead bullies.

Bill's forthright debunking of the county council's propaganda (along with the countless others) has appeared often in the local Press, mainly because this is the only place that our views on the whole sorry story ever reach the public gaze.

Perhaps Mr Hope should consider the county council's systematic stifling of objection and the power and influence wielded by Tesco and their legal team before he attacks individuals who are merely trying to ensure that a fair and balanced debate is conducted.

Of course, if more of the city's senior politicians had made an effort to engage in meaningful public debate, everyone's views would have been out in the open long ago, facilitating the speedy resolution that the children of CWHS so desperately need.


Malvern Road, Worcester.