COUNCILLOR Francis Lankester tries to give us all a lesson in council finance (Evening News, February 25).

As a result, we can now see how the council has got its budgeting and revenue collection in such a mess.

Councillor Lankester tells us that the headline increase in Government support for the council is £708,000 and that £16,000 of this is for housing benefit, leaving only £48,000 for all the rest of the services.

My simple arithmetic tells me that £708,000 minus £16,000 equals £548,000 and this translates eventually into a surplus of £28,000 for the city, not a loss.

It's no wonder the city is in such a mess when members of the Executive cannot even do simple arithmetic. Is this also how the city's collection of its income is a massive £2m short? Go to the bottom of the class, Councillor Lankester, and try harder next time. Nil points!

