A GARDEN centre is in talks with employees after a company review revealed seven positions were at risk of redundancy.

Webbs of Wychbold is currently in discussions with seven employees after a six-month review of operations revealed the positions may no longer be needed.

Webbs employs 254 people at its site in Wychbold, near Droitwich.

"For the past six months we have been reviewing everything we do as a company, and what parts of the business can be out-sourced," said Boyd Douglas-Davies, retail director. "As a result of the review, seven particular positions are at risk of redundancy.

"At the moment, we are in consultation with the individuals in those positions."

He said the positions were "behind the scenes", in services and support roles.

"For example, three of the jobs are in site services, but because we have invested so heavily in modernising our site in recent years, the need for building maintenance has reduced considerably. Now, if we were to need building maintenance, we would out source it."