TRANSPORT Minister John Spellar is to investigate claims that Worcester has the highest bus fares in Britain.

He made the pledge after being questioned by City MP Mike Foster in the House of Commons.

Mr Foster said he had been handed a survey by the Worcester Bus Users' Group which showed bus passengers in the city are paying more per mile than anywhere else in the UK.

He asked Mr Spellar to ask officials to investigate so that pressure could be put on Worcestershire County Council and First Group to reduce fares.

The Minister replied that he already had concerns over recent announcements regarding bus services within the county.

He added that - in light of Mr Foster's claims - he would "investigate further."

"Bus fares in Worcester are too high, in that I have no doubt," Mr Foster told the Evening News.

"Recent meetings I have had with the bus company suggested that Worcester fares were high to subsidise other parts of the county. This is unacceptable.

"These high bus fares have been claimed to be the highest in Britain, and I'm delighted the Minister has agreed to investigate this claim.

"If we are serious about promoting public transport, then we must start on the buses, and make this form of transport attractive in terms of price as well as reliability and promptness."

"I know Redditch pensioners get a better deal than Worcester pensioners - that is a matter for Worcester City Council to deal with if they want to.

"Recent comments made by senior city councillors suggest they are happy for this inequality to exist. Pensioners in the city might not share that view."

"If the Minister does find that Worcester bus fares are expensive compared to other areas - then I hope local politicians and the local bus company can get together to put right what is clearly wrong."