ART lovers are being treated to a "provocative" new exhibition that has set up in the county.

Photographer Pete Thornley and sculptor Frank Phormley have collaborated to produce the contemporary art venture entitled Bending on the Left Side of Reality.

The result - said to be a fusion of "deeply provocative images" and "profoundly disturbing experiences" - can be seen at Number 8 gallery, High Street, Pershore.

Mr Thornley is better known for his work on large public art projects, recently projecting images of Rugby's local community, at night, on to Rugby Cement Tower.

But his current, smaller project is based around the idea of "non-repeatable images", using only two pictures per subject to introduce an element of chance to his art.

The exhibition is part of a collection of work that is touring England throughout the year. It opened on last week and continues until the end of next week.