THE landlord of a Malvern pub has been banned from driving after being found to be almost three times over the limit.

Derek Jepson, landlord at the Gloucester Arms, Malvern Link, was stopped by police on his way back from his girlfriend's house in Upton-upon-Severn.

Worcester magistrates said yesterday that landlords were expected to lead by example.

"It was 1am when an officer in the Barnard's Green area saw the driver of a Renault Savannah wasn't wearing a seatbelt," said John Barnett, prosecuting.

"He was followed into Pickersleigh Road. The officer caused the vehicle to stop and when Jepson got out he appeared to be unsteady on his feet. The officer could smell intoxicating liquor on his breath."

Jepson was found to have 98mcg of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 35mcg.

He admitted driving with excess alcohol.

"He feels very embarrassed," said Susie Duncan, defending.

"He feels because of his profession he should have known better.

"On the day in question he had gone to visit his girlfriend in Upton. He had had four to five glasses of wine and had not eaten since lunch.

"She went to bed early and he carried on watching a video. By the time it finished it was quite late and rather than disturb her he decided he would go home to make an early start at work the next day."

Magistrates fined Jepson £500 and banned him from driving for two years. He was also ordered to pay £55 costs.