TIME is fast running out for grant applications to the Gannett Foundation, the charity arm of Gannett Co Inc, owner of Newsquest Media Group, publishers of The Ludlow and Tenbury Advertisers.

Thursday, March 13, is the final deadline for local organisations to send in a completed application form (four copies) to: Liz Griffin, Editor, The Advertiser Series, Holmer Road, Hereford, HR4 9UJ. All applications will be acknowledged and forms can be obtained from the editor's secretary, Sandy Maxfield, on 01432 845873.

Over the years, the Gannett Foundation has provided funding to support local organisations in the areas where Newsquest titles operate in the UK. The fund is managed by Greater Bristol Foundation on behalf of the Gannett Foundation and Newsquest.

The foundation supports projects, which take a creative approach to fundamental issues such as: Education and neighbourhood improvements; economic development, youth development; community problem solving; assistance to disadvantaged people; environmental conservation and cultural enrichment.

Grants will not be given to: Individuals; organisations which are not registered charities; national or regional organisations unless the project addresses specific local community needs; promotion of religious causes; endowment funds; general appeals or multi-year campaigns; medical or research organisations; animal charities.

Grants will be for £1,000-5,000 but larger grants may be made for exceptional projects. The only other request is that organisations may be asked to agree to some publicity.

Previous winners include: The Plynlimon Trust, which applied for and received an £8,000 Gannett Foundation grant, and £3,000 went to DASH -- Disability Arts in Shropshire towards a summer carnival in Ludlow this year.