A drug addict who stole goods worth more than £1,000 from his parents' home has been given a chance by a judge.

John Martin and an accomplice forced their way into the house in Cedar Park, Redditch, said prosecutor William Baker.

Martin later told police he took nothing but the value of items missing totalled £1,163, Worcester Crown Court heard.

He had a long record for shoplifting to finance his heroin habit.

But he had completed a drug treatment and testing order and had rid himself of the addiction.

Martin, aged 27, formerly of Marsden Road, Redditch, pleaded guilty to burglary.

Judge John Cavell said the normal sentence for such a "mean" offence was 18 months to two years' jail.

But he said custody would put everything achieved by drug therapy at risk.

Instead he imposed a community rehabilitation order of 18 months.

Tom Kenning, defending, accepted that the break-in was during the term of the drug testing order.

He pointed out that Martin had undergone detoxification treatment and said the last six drug tests on him were negative.

He had now moved to Wales to begin a new life.

Mr Kenning said Martin's downward spiral began when he was discharged from the army and his marriage broke down.

He added: "He has plumbed the depths. But the stage has been reached when this man has to decide what his future is."