I WAS amazed to read the article 'Residents in play area snub' in your issue of February 19.

I wonder if Mr Watkins, the council's sports and leisure services manager, attended the same meeting of Lodge Park and Greenland's Neighbourhood Group as the one my husband and I did.

He is quoted as saying: "A lot of people did think it should be in the middle but some residents felt it should be located in the corner where an old play area we have since removed was sited."

At no time during the meeting did any resident who expressed an opinion say they thought the new play area should be in the middle of the field. All of those who spoke were against the proposals put forward by the council.

Again from the article: "Mr Watkins said child safety was an issue with regards to stranger danger."

At no time during the meeting was this mentioned by either the residents or Mr Watkins.

The new play area is aimed at toddlers/juniors. How many parents would allow their young child to visit the play area unsupervised anyway?

Another point put forward by one of the residents was that with a football pitch either side of the play area, there was a high risk of the younger children being struck by footballs.

Several residents, myself included, whose properties back onto the corner of the field where the old play area is located, said the current position had never caused any problems and they wished the new play area to be built there.

We do not see the need to dramatically increase the size of the play area (we do understand the implications of the new European standards with regards to spacing between play structures) as the catchment area is not big enough to justify this.

Just because there is extra money available, why does the council have to spend it all on this project? Surely there are many other worthy projects elsewhere that would benefit from extra funding.

It is a shame the council did not write to residents with their proposal to so drastically alter the playing field prior to going to the expense of having detailed plans and graphics produced.

We look forward to further discussions with the council when we trust the views of the residents will be fully considered.

Mrs Karen Turner

Studley Road
