A heroin addict has been freed from custody by a judge for the probation service to assess her suitability for therapy work to kick the habit.

Donna Barrett, aged 18, of Granhill Close, Greenlands, Redditch, pleaded guilty to burglary, shoplifting and criminal damage.

Defence counsel Tim Sapwell said probation staff had already indicated she was too young for a drug treatment and testing order and her history of offending was too short.

Judge Michael Mott told Barrett she was in the "last chance saloon" and ordered her to live in a probation hostel in Worcester for assessment.

He said her eventual sentence on March 24 will depend on how she behaves over the next month.

Lucy Allen, prosecuting at Hereford Crown Court, said Barrett raided a house in Greenlands Avenue on June 24 last year, getting in through an open window. She stole a woman's purse from a kitchen.

But the teenager left a fingerprint. She also left a wet footprint which matched her distinctive herring-bone patterned trainers.

While out on bail, she stole bottles of perfume worth £104 from Debenhams and four packets of razor blades from Superdrug in Bromsgrove.

But the defendant was filmed on security cameras and traced to a car.

She became addicted to heroin through her brother but was anxious to kick the habit.

Mr Sapwell said she was a vulnerable girl and needed professional help.