WORCESTERSHIRE'S beleaguered health chiefs faced a barrage of angry questions at yesterday's public meeting.

However, they must have been prepared for this grilling about their proposed cutbacks.

Their proposals were never going to be popular - it's impossible to make cutbacks to frontline services without upsetting someone.

Nobody is happy about the way South Worcestershire Primary Care Trust has fallen into debt.

It's clear there have been some big mistakes in the past. But, whoever is to blame, the fact remains that this debt now needs clearing.

If the Trust board doesn't deal with it, heads will roll and the Government may ruthlessly impose what's necessary.

The proposed sale of various community hospital buildings, including Pershore Cottage Hospital, has been greeted with anger by many people.

Although the Trust has been accused of selling off the family silver, as long as the new facilities are up to scratch, will anybody care who owns them?

However, the way the board has announced the cutback options to the public has left a lot to be desired.

The proposals have been revealed a mere month before the Trust has to submit its business plan to the Strategic Health Authority.

Despite chief executive Mike Ridley's assurances to the contrary, the public must wonder if their views are really going to be considered.

Judging by the mood at yesterday's meeting, the people of Worcestershire have very little faith in the people responsible for their health.