A £4.5 million windfall to transform Redditch United FC has not yet been secured.

The news follows press reports the Bromsgrove Road club would become a West Midlands centre of excellence as part of a project funded by the FA and Redditch Council.

But the Advertiser can reveal neither the Football Foundation, which is part of the FA, nor the council have allocated or secured funding for the project.

A spokesman for the Football Foundation confirmed up to £1 million could be awarded for such a scheme - but no money had been apportioned for Redditch United.

The spokesman said the last time the club was awarded money was in September from the Football Stadia Improvement Fund.

The £27,000 grant was for pitch drainage and perimeter fencing

Council chiefs are working with football club bosses on a proposal for the whole area around Valley Stadium, including Terry's Memorial Field, the land next to it and Redditch Rugby and Cricket Club land.

A council spokesman said: "The aspirations made by Redditch United Football Club at the Fans' Forum on Thursday are correct and are being worked towards in the future.

"But we are currently at the very early stages of the proposed development.

"Funding applications are being put together by the borough council, national sporting governing bodies and the local clubs, with the council pledging £500,000 towards the overall scheme."

The spokesman added: "Any funds secured will be used to finance improvements at the Batchley site to include, rugby, hockey, cricket, squash and football.

"The initiatives announced by Redditch United Football Club are only one element of the planned overall development."

Redditch United chairman Neil Pagett was unavailable for comment at the time of going to press.