DEAR EDITOR - I was rather amazed to read a letter from two councillors in your paper on the "sea of litter".

I have lived in Droitwich Spa all my life, the last 14 years on the Primsland Estate, long before the shopping arcade was ever thought of.

I can honestly say that there has always been litter and dog mess on the open land.

I am not condoning litter anywhere; In all fairness it cannot be blamed on the shopkeepers. The cause is an uneducated public - but only a minority.

Yes there were a few people that were against the shops and I suppose they would like to think that they will be able to justify their cause with anything that they can.

Some of these objectors now use the One Stop Shop and no one would expect differently.

We must all live and let live. After all, only a minority was for the Waitrose supermarket coming to Droitwich - although on this occasion the majority was not listened to.

It does not matter how many or few carrier bags are given at the shop. Still the same uneducated people will not put them in the bins provided.

I have yet to see any workmen sweeping the forecourt of the shops on Primsland and yet the precinct has someone trying to keep it tidy.

It is far too easy to blame the youth of today for improper social behaviour. You only have to be vigilant to see this is not always the case.

Come on councillors - don't blame the shopkeepers. Do something positive and generate more bins so the uneducated litter droppers can be educated.

L Lynn, Brantwood Close,

Droitwich Spa