DEAR EDITOR - Droitwich Spa Civic Society has rubber stamped many controversial Wychavon planning decisions in recent years.

Bulldozing the Worcestershire Hotel, selling off the Lido, building on green belt land, and the Waitrose "aircraft hanger" to name but a few.

In recent weeks it has courted great press coverage that it will now stand up for our town against further desecration.

Local groups have long campaigned to regenerate Droitwich canal basin.

There are marvellous plans for waterside homes, shops, restaurants and tourist attractions providing much needed investment and employment in the Spa.

Now there are plans to build mental health housing on the site of the boxing club.

Authorities have failed to pledge the flats are not for violent schizophrenics or habitual paedophiles.

No sensible developer will invest in the canal basin project. No one buys homes or opens businesses with problem neighbours undermining property values or driving away custom.

Wychavon has just announced schemes to develop Evesham waterside and rebuild Pershore town centre.

So Evesham and Pershore Housing Association suddenly houses its controversial tenants here.

Cleverly it clears the areas for their developers, and sabotages the opposition in Droitwich Spa. A financial professional foul!

Will our Civic Society sensibly ask if the scheme is designated for patients with low key problems?

Confirm it integrates with other potential users of the canal basin redevelopment?

Dictionaries define civic as "of a city or its citizens".

Will our Civic Society speak up for our town and its people or back the Evesham and Pershore causes?

Is its stance influenced by its application to the council for a substantial grant, which needs approval by all, including Wychavon councillors?

Is the future of the canal worth 30 pieces of silver? Acquiescing silence or robust questions will tell all!

Mark R Heel,

Burrish Street,

Droitwich Spa