A Bromsgrove first school's parents association admitted it was struggling to survive due to apathy from parents. The association's secretary blamed it on lack of interest shown by the majority of parents in their children's education. But the secretary of Meadows First School vowed to soldier on and planned a series of events including a barbecue for the next term.

OVER 300 Belbroughton residents signed a petition to stop heavy lorries ruining their peaceful village. They claimed that the heavily laden commercial vehicles were using village streets as a shortcut, which was playing havoc with pavements and curbstones. In their campaign they urged the county council to protect the village by imposing a permanent weight restriction on the B4188.

THE need for more single accommodation was recognised in a special housing and health committee meeting. Single people, elderly people, students and young professional people were identified as most in need. It was resolved to encourage the private sector and housing associations to provide this kind of accommodation.


IT was feared that mental patients with acute psychiatric disorders may not receive proper treatment because of staff shortages at Barnsley Hall Hospital. Two wards had to be closed down as staff representatives admitted they were struggling to cope with the day-to-day running of the 500-bed hospital. It was claimed that the staff were at least 42 down on what was needed to give the long-term patients the attention that they required.