A Bromsgrove woman was admitted to the Cottage Hospital after she was found with serious wounds to her throat. Mrs Crewe, the former owner of an off-licence beer house in Aston Fields, was discovered partially clothed on her bed by her landlady's son in Stoke Works. Her throat was badly cut and her windpipe was severed. A blood-stained razor was found by her bed. She was in a serious condition but it was hoped that if there were no complications she would make a full recovery.

An annual report from the medical officer revealed that north Bromsgrove had surpassed itself again by producing a clean bill of health. The previous year had shown that the death rate was only 7.85, a little more than half the average for the last ten years.The infantile rate was considerably less than half the average at 56 deaths per year. Dr Kidd, who conducted the report, said it was well worthy of perusal and they hoped to present an equally good report next year.

A town man was hauled before Bromsgrove Petty Sessions charged with stealing two combs to the value of 1s ( 5p) from a Bromsgrove drapers shop. Sydney Squire was fined 10s and 18s costs (£1.40) in default of a month in prison after taking the combs from Messrs Field and Son.

JOSIAH Barley, of Little Catshill, was hauled before Bromsgrove Petty Sessions and charged for using indecent language. He was arrested in Birmingham Road, Chadwich, but denied the charges. He received a hefty fine of 11s (55p) although the bench thought a fine of 2s 6d (12.5p) would be more suitable.