PRESIDENT Pearl Prior welcomed everyone to the meeting. She then gave her report, as did secretary Joy Overton and the treasurer. Rae Fowler then reported on the resolutions identified at the resolution meeting in Worcester in January. The resolutions were to ensure good support to children, elderly people and several other necessities.

Dorothy Radford then gave her report on the outings that she is organising for us.

The speaker was Jan Spalding. She gave a very interesting talk about walking the Great Wall of China and she showed us lovely photographs. The Great Wall of China is amazing, it can be seen from space. While Jan and friends were walking there, it was very hot. She showed photographs of villages near the Great Wall and they were lovely and interesting. We all enjoyed this wonderful talk and Winnie Bird gave the vote of thanks. The competition was "The Oldest Coin". All coins were old or ancient and very interesting. The winner was Ruth Mason, and Olwen White and Audrey Court were second and third respectively.

The next meeting will be held next Wednesday. Visitors are always welcome.