MAUREEN Smith, our president, was ill and unable to be present at the meeting. In her absence, vice president Doris Passey chaired the meeting. We all sent our best wishes to Maureen to make a speedy recovery. Doris welcomed two new members, Jennie Eddings and Christine Garland.

It was agreed that the banner belonging to the WI should be placed on show at the forthcoming Three Counties Show. It was also agreed that the members would donate Easter Eggs to the Sunfield Children's Home. These are to be collected at the March meeting. The birthday girls for February and March were given birthday greetings. Doris then reminded us of the spring council meeting on March 25 at Malvern Theatre. Items from the County Newsletter were read, and we were all encouraged to use our local post offices.

Business concluded, the speaker Diane Ferris, a costume milliner, was introduced. She specialised on hats for special occasions. She had a large selection of hats for hire. We were shown the first stages of the birth of a hat - the blocking - and on to the making up and decorating the finished article. She told us how she started her business and how it has grown. It was a very personal and enterprising business and it was a most interesting talk. She had brought along a selection of her creations for us to see. These were much admired and how we longed to possess one of them! She was warmly thanked by Molly Coyle. Numerous raffle prizes were won and the competition "A Decorated Wooden Spoon" was won by Chris Paget.

Don't forget the coffee morning and bring and buy sale at Holly Lodge on Saturday, March 15, from 10.30am to 12noon. Marjorie will be pleased to see you.