Nancy Davis welcomed members to the February meeting. Reminders were given about the lunch and coffee morning. Help was requested for the refreshments for the group meeting. It was decided to enter the craft section of the food, flower and craft day in May at Bewdley.

Jean Brooks gave an interesting report on the resolutions meeting.

Ron Swift talked about "History Beneath Our Feet". With the aid of slides, he showed us the ancient ridgeway tracks. Later came the Romans, who constructed a road from Worcester to Bristol Road in Birmingham through Bromsgrove. In fact, no part of England was more than 25 miles from a Roman road. He also pointed out that in Stoke Prior, the public footpath through the churchyard was once part of Fish House Lane.

Nancy Davis thanked Mr Swift and informed members that Hesta Rea would be 93 this month. Mrs Rea regularly attends our meetings and other events.

The next meeting will be tomorrow (Thursday) at 2.30pm in the village hall. The speaker will be Mrs Brown on Bromsgrove's "Talking Newspaper".