MARGARET Shearer, our president, warmly welcomed 32 members and two visitors to our February meeting. The hall looked lovely with bowls of daffodils and spring flowers, organised by Judy Lee and Gayle May. The minutes were read and several business matters dealt with. A date for the play reading group was given and our Tewkesbury walk in May was confirmed. Members were asked for offers of cakes and nibbles for the Corbett Group meeting in April which we are hosting in the Sacred Heart Church Hall.

Our talk for the afternoon was on "The Water Colour Challenge" given by July Foulsham, who had been fortunate to appear on the television show of the same name. Judy had studied art in London, Winchester and Australia and had been a lecturer in Cheltenham. She had gained a place on the show after a short selection interview, where she had to paint a picture of the River Severn from a window during which she was videoed and asked questions. Judy was one of three artists, all with different styles, who met Hannah Gordon and the team at Packwood House. They were asked to paint a picture in the Long Gallery. We were privileged to see several rough sketches she made prior to her main picture, also a photographic account of her day. Jean Westwood gave a vote of thanks.

The tea hostesses for the afternoon were Mary Cross and Jane Hiddersby. Ann Ballard won the raffle and our competition of a small watercolour was won by Mary Gray.

For our March meeting, we have a talk entitled "Jumpers Galore" and the competition is a knitted square. We welcome all visitors.