IN future, Gary Webb will do well to read again his own letter, before putting pen to paper and accusing me of any misunderstanding (You Say, February 22). His inconsistent argument is fast becoming incoherent.

In his letter of January 30, Mr Webb stated "we have virtually no historical, cultural or social links with Europe."

In my response, I addressed all three aspects to show that there is more to Britain's link with Europe than a mere geographical position.

He also states that "British influence worldwide is as a result of our expansionist past" and that his own grandfather had to escape German tyranny in 1914.

Yet he dismisses my response on historical facts as waffle.

As for my allegiance, I can assure him that I do identify with the UK, but not to the detriment of everything else. First and foremost, I am a member of the human race, a Christian by faith and a socialist by persuasion.

L SPITERI, Worcester.