THERE was a buzz of activity as members gathered for pre-meeting sessions to discuss progress on our new projects, for the Bromsgrove Women's Refuge and Supervised visits. We were all delighted with the progress collecting items of clothing, bedding and household goods.

After a buffet supper, our speaker was retired consultant John Burman, who has held a fascination for the history of the Canals of England for many years. He told us of the craft that plied their trade, carrying coal, iron ore, timber or grain, across the myriad of canals that formed the British Waterways between 1900 and1960. As the transporting of goods decreased so leisure activities began.

Our business meeting followed and nominations were requested for many positions on the executive committee in readiness for the AGM in April. The Programme Action report from the Midlands Arden Regional Meeting expressed concern about child trafficking.