MY apologies to Gary Webb if my letter (You Say, February 11) misrepresented his views unintentionally.

For avoidance of doubt, may I say that I agree entirely with the final paragraph in his letter of February 20 that the UK should not surrender our unique position within world politics to a Franco-German dominated Nation State called the EU.

However, the point of my original reply was to disagree that the EU will continue to be dominated by a Franco-German alliance in the future in the way that it has been in the past.

The Iraq crisis is highlighting this very clearly. France and Germany are exposed as "Old Europe", and do not speak for the majority of current EU Member States.

The fact that President Chirac told the candidate countries to "shut up" because they dared to disagree with him confirms his fear that the EU after enlargement will owe little allegiance to France.

Chirac's clumsy welcome of Robert Mugabe to Paris was a further sign that France is trying to re-live yesterday rather than to re-shape tomorrow. I agree with D E Margrett (You Say, February 25) that if France and Germany wish to fuse into a Single Nation State that could be excellent news for them.

But my whole point is that France has no right to dictate that others should follow them in.

The EU is ready for a new direction, and is looking for leadership to take it there.

Sadly, in the current debate within the EU Convention on the future of Europe, the UK Government continues to flounder. If we want to see a change in the EU, we have to change our own Government first.


MEP European Parliament, Brussels (and Sansome Place, Worcester)