by Emily Bridgewater

WHEN Helen Varnish runs this year's London Marathon she will be raising cash for a charity which is very close to her heart.

The 37-year-old, of Aston Fields, is getting into shape to raise money for the Leukaemia Research Fund.

Two years ago Helen's husband James was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer of the blood related to leukaemia, and now she is raising cash to say thanks for all the help he has received.

"It was a real shock to all of the family, as he had been such a healthy person, and regularly competed in cycling competitions," said the Rutherford Road resident.

"I took up running while James was on his treatment, after seeing an advert for a fun run in aid of Leukaemia Research. I hadn't put on a pair of running shoes since school but felt I needed to do something to help me through this difficult time."

James is now in remission from the disease but Helen and her old South Bromsgrove High School chum, Andrea Taylor, who is also 37, decided to continue with fundraising efforts.

"We met up again at a recent party and I asked her if she would be interested in joining me doing the marathon, and she agreed" continued Helen, a beauty therapy teacher at NEW College, Bromsgrove.

Andrea, of East Road, is married to Chris and has two daughters Freya and Eva, who will be cheering the two runners on this June.

The pair now train six times per week at the Ryland Centre in New Road and have covered up to 18 miles in one session.

They are hoping to raise well over £2,000 and are looking for sponsorship from generous residents and local businesses. If you are interested in helping Helen and Andrea, call them on 07968676680 or email

Alternatively sponsorship forms for Helen and Andrea are available from Eyedeal in High Street, Bromsgrove.