SHOCKED staff came face-to-face with a revolver in a robbery at a Hagley store.

The Spar convenience shop in Worcester Road was raided just before 10pm last Wednesday.

A man approached a female member of staff and asked for some cigarettes. He then pointed a gun at the girl and told her to 'get away from the till' before reaching over and stealing about £200. The man escaped in an old-style Ford Escort, which drove off towards Birmingham.

Store owner and manager Allan Lane said: "The girls in the shop were very shaken and upset but they're still coming back to work. We'll be reviewing security in the shop and we've given our CCTV tapes to the police for them to investigate."

The raider is said to be in his 20s or 30s. He is about 5ft 7in tall and wore a red zip up jacket and a blue or grey baseball cap. The man had Celtic style tattoos on the left side of his neck and arms. Police are appealing for anyone with information to contact them on 08457 444888.