COMMUNITY groups in Droitwich Spa are being given a share of £210,000 to make their dreams become reality.

Spa organisations can now apply for a community grant, donated by Wychavon District Council.

Windfalls ranging from hundreds to thousands of pounds are given out across the district every year.

In 2003, a special emphasis is to be placed on projects involving young people, with 30 per cent of all cash being awarded to projects on the theme of play for five to 15-year-olds.

There is £210,000 in this year's kitty.

Wychavon's executive board member for community partnership, councillor Martin Jennings (Con - Evesham South) said: "We are particularly keen to fund innovative and well thought out projects that involve self help and have significant community benefits and improve the quality of life in Wychavon."

Last year £211,000 was divided among more than 100 groups.

Droitwich Concert Club, the town's branch of Age Concern, Fusion and Droitwich and Rural Council for Voluntary Services were among those who were successful in the annual giveaway.

Previous grant recipients are allowed to apply for further cash but to meet criteria, money must be used within Wychavon or benefit residents.

Applications can only be accepted from non-profit making groups, which are non-political.

Requests by religious groups must be for a non-religious purpose.

Application packs are available from Wychavon One Stop Shop, in Droitwich High Street.

Alternatively call Christine Pugh on 01386 565254 or log onto