THE judges were spoilt for choice when members of the Bromsgrove Photographic Society held their monthly competition.

More than 110 pictures were entered for the fourth monthly competition of the winter programme leaving judge John Lacey with the tricky problem of picking the winners.

After a tightly fought contest John, who was a member of the BPS from the 1970s to the 1990s, decided that The Gambler, by David Eyres, was the best mono print.

The best colour print went to Helen Chandler with Too Good To Eat.

Fred Thompson's Young Blackbird won the prize for the best nature print, while Treeline by Colin Close was the best pictorial slide.

Finally Redstart by Dave Riddle was the best nature slide.

The Bromsgrove Photographic Society meets at the Avoncroft Arts Centre at 8pm on Tuesdays. Last night (Tuesday) club members were due to enjoy a practical evening on photographing glass. New members are always welcome.