REMEMBER the days when being given a balloon put a huge smile on your face?

Residents are urged to hold that thought by a town family working to improve the lives of sick children in Asia.

Denis and Ann Roche, of Corbett Avenue, are backing their daughter Jeanette Happ, who cares for hospitalised youngsters in Nepal.

The former Spa resident, who was born in Nepal, and her American husband Ron, moved across in 2001 to work as Christian missionaries. While Ron teaches English, his wife runs toys rounds on hospital wards.

Jeanette, who returns to visit Droitwich, says balloons are particularly popular, and can help speed the recovery of some children. "They really do bring delight," she added.

Her parents have teamed up with Churches Together in Droitwich, which says residents can donate balloons at town churches. They will hold a talk at the Parish Centre, on Friday March 14, from 7.30pm.