TWO Alcester secondary schools are to share a cash boost of £3.5 million to improve buildings and facilities.

Alcester Grammar School will get the lion's share, £2.5 million, most of which will be used to build a much needed sports hall and improve sixth form accommodation.

Alcester High School Technology College will receive about £1 million to replace nine temporary classrooms with permanent accommodation and enhance technology facilities.

The money was allocated on Thursday by Warwickshire County Council's cabinet as part of an £11.7 million programme throughout the county.

The school, in Gerard Road, has already benefited from nearly £1.25 million for a recently completed teaching block and another building project which is still at the planning stage.

But the group of parents which has been campaigning for a new school has received the news with mixed feelings.

Alcester Grammar School headteacher Iain Blaikie said he was delighted with the news.

But he added that the grant would not affect the school's joint funding bid with the Greig Centre, which would see community sports facilities transferred to the school while the hall concentrates on its role as an arts venue.

The school is also applying for performing arts status later this year.