ALCESTER'S retained fire crew is on the lookout for more members to add to its dwindling numbers.

The part-time crew, in Seggs Lane, has already seen a couple of firefighters leave because of personal reasons and a retirement later this year will again add to the problem.

The 11-strong crew has already had three applicants after a poster campaign in the town and those will be going to the interview stage if successful.

Mr Stephens said the past 10 years had seen a falling number of applicants but it was down to residents who did not need a second income rather than the recent strike action taken by the Fire Brigades Union.

Mr Stephens said those who wanted to be part of the retained fire crew needed to be of a reasonably good fitness level, have good eyesight, be able to commit fully and put themselves out as and when they are needed.

Applicants need to be presentable, trustworthy, of good character and have no criminal record.

Successful applicants will have training and then be put on a probationary two-year period during which they will be assessed.

Anyone interested should go to a training session on Wednesday evenings from 7.30-9.30pm or call the station on 762490 or Mr Stephens on 762732.