AT the February meeting, Mr J Powell gave a talk entitled Order out of Chaos.

His interest began when he went to a toy fair and found jigsaws in bags.

He paid £10 for them and they took seven weeks to complete as they were intricate and had no picture to help.

He now buys and sells and has many varied jigsaws and tales to tell.

The first puzzle dated 1763 was made by John Spilsbury, who lived in Worcester.

Some years later, puzzles of maps were made to help children.

Members were reminded to bring bottles for the stall at the May market.

Janet Baines and Marion Cargill were competition winners and M Bryan, A Silverstone and M Sheldon were raffle winners.

The next meeting on March 13 at Malt Mill Lane Centre will include a talk by Maggi Cotton entitled Orchestral Notes.