FEBRUARY started on a good note with Margaret Bolam returning after illness to play the piano for us to sing Jerusalem.

This was one night when everyone sang in tune and together!

Our speaker was John Fletcher with a talk The Roy Castle Story.

John started by fund raising for a Hospice in Birmingham and had raised over £480,000 in 14 years.

He also raised money for the Roy Castle charity to build a Research Centre in Liverpool.

He said that in eight-and-a-half months Roy Castle, almost single handedly, had raised £4.25 million but died before the centre was completed.

A very enjoyable and thought provoking talk.

The vote of thanks was given by Valerie Mercier.

We are once again taking part in the Alexandra Hospital Summer Fete with our tombola stall and we are having a daffodil coffee morning on March 14 from 10am at Denise Cashmore's house (0121 445 3246) in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care - why not come and join us - everyone is welcome.

We are once again supporting St George's Day in the village hall on April 23 with afternoon teas.

President Barbara Scane announged the speaker for the March meeting would be Lynda Kettle, a production designer for TV film and theatre.

The competition would be A Theatre Programme.

We meet every second Monday in the month at 7.30pm in Alvechurch Village Hall and visitors are always welcome.

If you would like to join us please call secretary Denise Cashmore on 0121 445 3246.