AFTER a very successful Christmas concert, the Primrose Choir is busy working on the repertoire for their concerts in 2003.

The next public concert will be on June 7 at The Gate Hangs Well in Woodgate, but in the meantime the choir will be fully occupied with smaller concerts locally.

The choir supports the work of the Primrose Hospice and Cancer Help Centre and puts on concerts to raise money for the centre.

As well as public concerts the choir performs privately for clubs and groups in the Redditch and Bromsgrove area and is always pleased to hear from groups who would like an afternoon or evening's entertainment and contribute to a good cause at the same time.

Its musical repertoire is wide-ranging with the emphasis on lighter music.

Choir members themselves have a great deal of fun and enjoyment from their singing and new members are very welcome.

Previous experience of singing in a choir is not necessary.

Anyone who interested in booking the choir or joining can call musical director Kay Hadley on 456158.