A MANUAL labourer who bit, punched and kicked police officers who poured into his house will be sentenced at crown court due to the seriousness of his attack.

Father-of-five Martin Bateman left teeth marks in one officer's arm when they entered his home in Warndon, Worcester.

Worcester Magistrates heard how the 39-year-old left lacerations on the arm of PC Jane Fitz-Patrick after biting her for around ten seconds during the attack on Saturday, January 11.

Prosecuting, Peter Parson said several officers were left injured by Bateman.

"Sgt (John) Roberts was hit by constant punches coming from both hands into his head," he said.

"WPC Fitz-Patrick tried to grab hold of him (Bateman) and she was bit on her right forearm for approximately 10 seconds.

"He (Bateman) carried on assaulting Sgt Roberts by getting him around the neck in an arm lock and punching him about the head."

"It took eight officers at the end of the day to restrain him."

A doctor's report showed Sgt Roberts suffered bruising on his nose and head and PC Fitz-Patrick was left with several teeth marks on her arm.

One other officer was kneed in the groin and another suffered a bruised face and ear.

Bateman, of Cranham Drive, admitted four cases of assault including two incidents of ABH for the biting and punching incidents.


Defending, Judith Kenney said he had been quietly reading a newspaper in his living room and had just "flipped" when police "invaded" his house.

"These two officers were clearly in a riot van with other officers," she said.

"Mr and Mrs Bateman are adamant they had 11 officers in their kitchen. It was like an invasion.

"Eventually, five officers jumped onto his back and he was flattened on to the kitchen table. He was CS sprayed twice.

"He accepts he assaulted these four officers. If he could put the clock back, he would.

"This is a family that is dependent on his income. If he is sent straight into custody it will create a complete meltdown of the family unit."

Magistrates said the matters were "very serious" and that their sentencing powers were insufficient.

Bateman was committed for sentencing at Worcester Crown Court and is due to appear on Monday, April 14.