PARENTS in Warndon Villages must take responsibility for their children after a huge escalation in crime on the estate, say police.

PC John McManus, the Warndon Villages beat manager, said stones were being thrown at cars by a gang of youths roaming the estate.

At this week's meeting of Warndon Parish Council, he said that some parents refused to believe their children behaved in this way.

"Perhaps the parents should have a wander around the estate and see what their children are getting up to," he said.

"Individually they can be as good a gold.

"The trouble starts when they get into groups of 10-plus."

The number of reported breaches of the peace jumped from 10 in January to 20 in February, while reports of criminal damage also leapt from six incidents to 19 over the same period, the council members were told.

Parish council members were stunned at the rise in the number of reports and clerk to the parish council, Les Bishop, quizzed PC McManus why he thought this had happened.

"A lot of the criminal damage reports have come from people complaining of a group of kids throwing stones at passing cars," said PC McManus.

In other crime figures during February there was one house burglary, two non-dwelling burglaries, one assault, seven road traffic accidents, four reports of shoplifting and one theft of a vehicle.

There was one neighbourhood dispute, one theft of a pedal cycle, six thefts from vehicles and no robberies.

n Do you think crime has increased in Warndon Villages? Let us know. Write to Voice of Worcester, Evening News, Hylton Road, Worcester, WR2 5JX, or email