THE police officer arrested on suspicion of abducting 15-year-old Naomi Mills has been released on police bail.

Probationer officer Matthew Brooks, arrested on Tuesday afternoon, was questioned yesterday by police in connection with the disappearance of the Chantry High School pupil.

''The man who was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of the abduction of a 15-year-old girl from Worcester has been interviewed by police officers," said a spokesman for West Mercia Police.

''He has been released on police bail pending further inquiries.

''It's anticipated that a full file of evidence will be submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service for their advice and consideration in due course.''

Naomi, who went missing on Friday, was found in Scotland with the 22-year-old Mr Brooks.

Mr Brooks' car was found submerged on a beach in Scotland and the pair were spotted by a passing journalist.

Naomi was reunited with her family, who live in St John's, on Tuesday night.