RUMOURS Prime Minister Tony Blair would come face-to-face with anti-war protesters at a Labour conference in Malvern on Saturday have been scotched.

Whispers that the Premier was to drop in on the party's West Midlands Regional Conference at Malvern Theatres, were allegedly started by the campaigners, who plan to stage a peaceful protest outside the venue.

"The anti-war group said that he would be attending. But he isn't and he never was," said Caroline Badley, the conference organiser.

She added that they hoped the protesters would not disrupt the event.

"Security arrangements have been put in place and we hope that the event runs smoothly," she said.

Doug Jewel, one of the protest organisers, denied that the group had started the rumours.

"But if he does come we will invite him to join our protest," said Labour Party member Mr Jewel.

He said between 100 and 150 people were coming from the Birmingham area to join the protest.

Isobel Swift, an anti-war protester from Worcester, said she did not see why the protest would be any less important even if the PM did not attend.

She added there would be a good turnout from Worcester but could not estimate a figure.

There will also be a vigil in Malvern at Belle Vue Terrace organised by the Malvern Churches and Justice and Peace Group.

The conference will have a debate on regional government, led by Local Government Minister Nick Raynsford MP.

Labour Party chairman, and former Northern Ireland secretary, John Reid, will make the keynote speech at the conference.

Clare Short MP, Minister for International Development, Jacqui Smith, Health Minister, Neena Gill, MEP and Sue Woodward, from the Transport and General Workers' Union, will all speak.