HARRY Potter and Lord of the Rings are just two of the book series that children in St John's have been enjoying.

National Book Week has taken off with a bang at Pitmaston Primary School, with books galore being read.

Children and staff have dressed up as their favourite characters and have welcomed a variety of visitors to read to them.

Dinner ladies and parents are among those who have turned a few pages, while Worcester MP Mike Foster is due in school on Friday to take his turn.

"It's something they can all be involved with," said Louise Lowe, Key Stage 2 literacy co-ordinator.

"It's taken an awful lot of planning and there's been a lot of work involved, but it's all come together really well. The children are really enjoying the reading."

Headteacher Noel Pritchard dressed up as Dennis the Menace to join in the fun and there is to be a reading quiz to raise money for charity.

The children have all been involved in making books at home and books in class, which will go on display during the coming weeks.