RESIDENTS under siege from noisy and anti-social behaviour have been promised University College Worcester will do "everything possible" to tackle any students involved.

Householders in St John's routinely suffer damage to their property and are woken in the middle of the night by rowdy behaviour.

After meeting with students on Friday, John Ryan, registrar at UCW, issued a statement saying the university would not tolerate its reputation being harmed by the anti-social behaviour of a few.

"We will do everything we can to eradicate the cause of complaints from residents in the area," he said.

"We are confident these incidents will decrease in the weeks ahead and will do everything we can to see them cease altogether."

Mr Ryan added he would be working closely with security staff, halls of residence wardens, campus service staff and the Students Union to deal with students who carried out anti-social behaviour.

"They will be dealt with under our disciplinary measures, which can, and will in extreme cases, include exclusion from UCW."

Student Union president Steve Ironside said he was actively asking students to think about what they were doing but would not say how he aimed to prevent further anti-social behaviour.

City councillor Richard Bird, whose St Clement ward covers part of the students' catchment area, is trying to get an appointment with college principal Professor David Green and discuss setting up a "town and gown" committee.

"It would be the representatives of the city doing things that are mutually advantageous," said Coun Bird.

He also suggested that students contribute to a general fund, which would make payments to residents who have had their property damaged.

Coun Bird thinks students would prefer to keep their money so this measure may deter some of their alleged drunken exploits.